Mar 22, 2008

I heart Gilbert.

Went to Costco today {we're in New Canaan for the weekend} & almost bought the Special Edition box of the complete set of Anne of Green Gables. Not even kidding. I mean seriously, what young girl ca. 1988 never had a crush on Gilbert?


Melissa said...

I love Anne of Green Gables!

Meg said...

I AM SO WITH YOU ON THIS POST! I loved, loved, loved Anne of Green Gables!

Julia said...

"I don't want diamond sunbursts or marble halls, I just want you."

I can't believe you didn't buy it. I would watch it with you. I still have a huge crush on Gilbert. If you play the end scene at 1/10 the speed, it makes it seem like they are kissing a lot longer than they actually are. (now do you believe that I am in love with that movie?)

Sine family said...

Oh what a classic. I actually own the videos. I think we should have a girl’s night and watch them. But just know that I cry every time. PS I even have the Continuing story.

Joanna said...

Love them. Particulalry when Anne is next to Gilbert's bed when he's super sick, and then that scene on the bridge! (sigh)

Kera said...

hmm, lets watch it next time we are at the cabin together. we can even snuggle up in a blanket and wear those comfortable socks you always seem to have.

i have a vague recollection of this movie.