Mar 9, 2008

Interesting people.

Yes, I created these lovelies all by myself. It took a long time. Don't laugh.

I run into {sometimes literally} quite the array of people every day. Sometimes, clearly crazy. Other times, just unique. Always though- very interesting people. I think that I need to start documenting it, so that someday, if I find myself succumbing to homogenous suburban America, I can remember the complexity & diversity of this city.


I was on the subway, at about 7:30am. I sat next to a girl, probably 19, with a hand rolled cigarette behind her ear, next to her jet black hair & not so far away from at least a dozen piercings. She pulled out a black sharpie, pushed up her sweatshirt to her shoulder, & proceeded to draw on her arm {there was already quite the complicated mural}. Her hands & her feet were covered. Maybe someone needs to buy her paper.
On the train, to Greenwich - there is a man that I see, almost every morning {he takes the 8:14am train out of Harlem}. We've never spoken, but from what I gather, he lives in the 90's {probably on 96th & 1st- I ran into him on the street once}. He always wears stone washed jeans that are slightly too short & too baggy, with black patent leather shoes. He has grey hair, is likely in his 40's, & appears to be single. I saw him at the post office a few months ago, too. I think I need to say hello sometime, but that might be weird.

On my way home- three men jumped on my train, all in their 70's. They started singing an old soul song in three-part perfect harmony. They were so good. It made me smile. I gave them a dollar, because anyone who brightens up my day on a Friday evening really deserves one.

Friday night - walking home, & feeling a delivery man whiz by me in an intersection & miss me by literal inches. Maybe even an inch. I bet he was going 30 miles an hour & likely would have killed me {okay, really hurt me} had he hit me. I'm glad he didn't. This being said, I can't tell you what he looked like- because he was going so fast, & with the whizzing & all, I just couldn't give a great description. But it was interesting that he almost killed me, so he is allowed to be in the interesting person category.


Kera said...

You should write these people letters. My head is full of letters that need to be written and not sent :)

suz said...

You could proably write a whole book on 'interesting' people. By the way, love the people you created.

Melissa said...

I love your descriptions...and your drawings!! lol! I'm glad you didn't get killed. :)

Kellie said...

Love this post. Love it.