Mar 3, 2008

Run Like A Girl {Girls Weekend '08}.

They are doing a lottery this year. Oh no!! I better get in. I hope, I hope, I hope I get in. The lottery starts on March 4th. Sign up here. Last year was so amazing.
{Kellie, I will sign you up if you don't do it yourself.}


Kellie said...

!!! What!? A threat? I'm SO torn about this. We must talk tomorrow. I'll be in SF (do you think that is a coincidence?) for the day and will give you a call.

Kellie said...

PS - the "here" link isn't working.

Kera said...

Hope Hope Hope Hope.

Joanna said...

Girls! We need to sign up as a GROUP!

Tara Edwards said...

I'm SO excited. :)
I'll just start running right now!