Mar 12, 2008

So proud {insert sarcasm}.

NY Pride. Julianne Moore's comments were somewhat fitting as well.

{PS - Is it weird that my source of news is both the NY Times and People?

1 comment:

Jan said...

What have we come to that we make someone's fall from grace front and center to such an extent that we listen to it morning, noon, and night.....? At least there should be respect for the family that will probably never recover from their father's indiscretions.
And now they're highlighting the call girl as though she were a first class celebrity worthy of admiration. Yesterday a 27 year woman who is making over $5,000/day at a Nevada "ranch" smiled and laughed as she justified her wonderful way of life, and bragged that she would be able to retire shortly on her earnings.
I have not once in these past three days heard even one story of heroism, service, or other positive activity by anyone!
It makes me so sad, but I am guilty of watching the news myself, so I'm also part of the problem, I guess.
I just wish we could have a positive news only news channel.....How novel!