Mar 10, 2008

Things that make you go "grr" {part II}.

  • People who throw their cigarettes on the sidewalk. It's bad enough that I have no choice but to inhale their lethal second-hand smoke. Why do they feel they also have a free pass for littering? Grr.
  • Listerine. I think it smells/tastes disgusting. In all varieties. I had a roommate in college who used it & it grossed me out every time. You can smell it from a mile away.
  • Mayonnaise. Most in the Hudson Family Tree cannot tolerate it, likely thanks to my Grandmother's massive over-use. Think fruit with a nice dollop of the white stuff on top. The thought makes me dry heave.
  • Overuse of the word "uhm". It makes my skin crawl.
  • Slow walkers who don't walk in a straight line on the sidewalk.


Tara Edwards said...

I agree!!! Especially the wanderers. If you don't know where you are going, get a map, sit down, and figure out what way you want to go, and then go. If you want to wander, find a park. And the uhm thing became a top grr when I visited you and we went to church. I almost raised my hand just to interupt her uhms long enough to clear my head.

Jan said...

Dad says I uhm. I'm trying to listen to myself so I don't do it so much. Is it just a dumb habit, or a sign of an empty mind?..........
Listerine - I have always hated it - gag....just like I hate Pepto Bismol.....nasty stuff...both of them.
Dad says we should walk to the right....He actually will almost bump into people if they don't...I try to shield them....He wants to prove his point....we know how he is about things like that.
I can abide by GOOD mayo...mostly in recipes....
And cigarettes on's just part of the nasty habit that reinforces its ugliness to the rest of us.
Kathryn - We all love your blogs.......

Kellie said...

I happen to love Listerine - but I couldn't agree more on the slow and swervey sidewalk walkers!

Melissa said...

I'm totally against mayo too! GROSS!!

Julia said...

Amen to all of those things. Especially Mayonnaise-- I think it is my mortal enemy. My biggest (completely ludicrous) fear is drowning in a vat of mayo.