So, the bangs might just make me feel a little ca. 1988, but I'm still liking them. However - yesterday was a bad bang day {I think this is common}. They just wouldn't work. I wanted them to go left & went right. They got frizzy. They were separating. I was not happy with my new friends. I dealt with it as best as I could throughout the day, but really, I felt sorry for myself. Sorry that my bangs did not look as cute & were not behaving as well as they did under the careful work of Bradley. This being said, I felt much better this morning when I saw a girl on the subway who was in a far worse state than I. Her bangs were stick straight, pointing right out of her head for a good 5 inches. Even better- they were purple. Let's ignore the fact that this look was likely intentional. I'm grateful for my relatively normal bangs today, as imperfectly as they might behave.
PS- I think I've found my new talent in stick-figure creation.
Another great talent....a gift from God! Until now dormant..undiscovered. How are you doing it? Very cute!
hi kathryn - thanks for the invite. and might i say your blog is fantastic.
secondly - i am jealous of your bangs (when behaving) i LOVE them. they look so good on you. i love how they really change a look. my stylist says no no because of my curls. boo. (in the 80's i did have bangs - they were BIG) :)
cheers to being blogging buddies too! we missed you at book group.
I think that you should go for the purple spikey bang look - mix it up a little!
What, no sly blackberry picture of the purple bangs??
My friend Gina does a funny thing with her bangs to make them go where she wants. She has one of those old lady silver clip things, and she pins them where she wants them to go, and then right before she leaves the house she takes the clip out. Funny thing, one time, she didn't take the clip out. You might try it!
I like the bangs. I think having them act up on occasion is worth the way they look when they sit just right. PS. I'm loving the stick figures. You’ll have to tell me how you make them.
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