Mar 24, 2008

Trying to quit.

I'm trying really, really hard to not drink any Diet Coke today, or maybe even ever {it's so much harder when I'm at work with a fridge stocked full of every variety imaginable}. Thus far, I've used 6 cups of herbal tea & 2 chocolate chip cookies as replacements. And I've had to pee about 7 times. I'm just saying.
Update: Day #2 & going strong. Or, at least not succumbing to temptation & still consuming massive amounts of herbal tea.


Jill said...

ok did you draw that one too? i love your computer people. you should start making t-shirts.

hope you're still hanging in there. :)

Unknown said...

Good luck. I am lucky enough to not have gotten hooked . . . yet.

Kellie said...

You can do it! Lucky for me J always orders them so I can get away with a taste here and there without the habit.

Lula. said...

That is like me, but with candy. I try so hard every day to go without it, but eventually I give in. Sounds like you are doing better than I am. GOOD LUCK!

k. said...

Jill, this one was a rip-off from google images. Cute, huh? I wish I was that talented/creative.

Jan said...

You ARE both talented and creative......genes you got from your Daddy, not me, obviously. Keep the herb tea going strong. You can do it....I know you can!

Julia said...

I was able to give up Dr. Pepper because of San Pellegrino's Limonata and Aranciata. Dang, it is worth the money.

k. said...

Julia, those are Mike's favorites. Especially the Aranciata. Yum.

Kera said...

me and patrick quit every week :) quitting is the easy part, its the commitment thats a killer!

suz said...

One year I gave up diet coke for lent and ended up replacing it with Reces Peanutbuter cups {the egg shape kind, lent=Easter=egg shape}. I ended up putting on about 10 lbs. It is a tough thing to do, good luck!