Mar 29, 2008

Vanishing act.

On the bus today, with Mike, after eating dinner in midtown:

Kathryn: Ooh, let's go home & eat ice cream [thinking of the 2 pints of new Haagen Dazs in the freezer].

Mike: Uhm, about that. It's gone.

Kathryn: Gone?!

Mike: Gone. I ate it all while you were out today.

I think that someone is an emotional eater {apparent loneliness}. I'm just saying.


Elizabeth said...

Thats me! I eat and then ask Ryan where it went..

Unknown said...

Brad ate almost ALL of Cole's Easter candy. I found out on a day when I was REALLY craving Whoppers (Robin's eggs).

Sine family said...

Oh my gosh I think you just helped me understand why our ice cream is always missing. Jared too must be an emotional eater.

Tara Edwards said...

Kevin will eat my special ice cream if I don't hide it under the vegetables. He's just an addict and it has nothing to do with emotional eating.

Jill said...

Oh too bad its always me that eats the whole thing. Sometimes I'll even buy a new ben & jerrys and eat a few bites so it looks like the 'old' one. uhhhh... yep. i think i have a problem.

Ryan said...

Pints? They put ice cream in pints? We go through gallons at our house.

suz said...

Ohhhhh! So sorry aout the missing ice cream. I just hate it when you are looking forward to something and find out its already been eaten or when your cup of coffee gets spilled {by your own child} before you even have a chance to have a sip. {sorry reliving my own vanishing act.

suz said...

Ohhhhh! So sorry aout the missing ice cream. I just hate it when you are looking forward to something and find out its already been eaten or when your cup of coffee gets spilled {by your own child} before you even have a chance to have a sip. {sorry reliving my own vanishing act.