Mar 2, 2008


I had a fun {quick} trip to Utah. The Michaelson/Radin concert with Bret & his nice BF Jim was so great {& they made me a delicious breakfast the morning after}. I had lunch with Kelli & Cole at Zoom in Park City on Friday, & was able to meet Kellie & J for dinner in SLC Saturday night {please move back to Manhattan!}. And of course- I was able to spend a lot of time with my cute sisters & sister-in-law. It was fun to eat breakfast at Magleby's Fresh {I'm sure I ate an entire loaf of bread}, browse through Target {a luxury for a Manhattanite}, drive through beautiful Provo Canyon & enjoy my favorite pork salad at Cafe Rio. To top it off, I slept better than I have in months {literally}. Nice.
Utah is a quirky place, likely deserving of its very own post. Case in point: writing a check at a jewelry store & the guy telling me that he didn't need to see my ID because he "trusted me" {what?!}, the man at the Banana Republic outlet in Park City asking me if my job required that I wear all black {a telling statement on my typical color of choice}, & an odd man at a gas station asking me out of the blue if I was trying to start a new fashion trend {I was wearing skinny jeans tucked into brown kneehigh boots- not exactly revolutionary}. Without fail, it always catches me off guard how nice & friendly people are. How odd. :)
It was a perfect trip & a perfect length of time {did I mention the weather was a flawless 55-60 degrees until late Saturday afternoon? So nice.}. I'm glad I could see Elizabeth & Ryan's new home, meet Joanna's new boyfriend & see good friends. But after not seeing Mike for a week, I'm happy to be back in New York. It's nice to be home.


Kellie said...

It was great to see you! Thanks for fitting us in. I hope you had a good day recovering from your red-eye.

Unknown said...

I just posted that picture on my blog (stolen from your Facebook account).. before I checked in here. Thanks and I hope you don't mind. It was great to catch up! You're so right about Utah, although I LOVE the change to nice/friendly.

Bret said...

It was great to see you and have you as our first house guest. Hopefully, we will hang out with you next time we're in NYC...maybe...if you're lucky. Maybe I should run the NYC marathon.

Alissa said...

Yay! Sounds like you had a great time with friends and fam. Wish you could have hopped over to Seattle hoo. All the girls and Hudson look like they are doing well!

Missy said...

So fun. Your weekend sounded perfect. I love Magelby's. Love the french toast.