Apr 16, 2008

9:55 AM on a Wednesday

What does a 27 year old male do when home sick from work? Browse American Idol performances on YouTube, of course!
This is the first year I've watched most of the show, a phenomenon I would attribute to my consistently coming home exhausted at about 8 PM after a beastly TriBeCa-to-Upper East Side commute and wanting to do nothing but simply stare at the TV for an hour. We don't have cable, so the options are AI or whatever made-for-senior-citizens programming that appears on the other basic networks. (Deal or No Deal, anyone?)
Everyone thus far has been pretty predictable, all except David Cook. Very unique arranger / performer. Looking in YouTube I found that he has a whole bunch of songs with a band called Axium. Pretty good stuff. Here's a sample.

Hey, if this guy can make Radiohead (worst band ever) palatable, he can do anything.


Tara Edwards said...

He's our favorite as well. He just sounds so NOT kareokee!

k. said...

Thank you for justifying the text in your post. :) I'm so OCD.

I like David Cook. I LOVE Radiohead. Let's listen to it tonight, over dinner. :)

suz said...

My fav as well! Last night I thought he sounded like David Matthews {a little}

Jill said...

mike we might have to fight. i love radiohead, and brad does too. high & dry? so good.

hope you feel better!

Mike said...

jill - careful, you two might get the boot from the preferred couple short list. I tolerate Kathryn's Radiohead problem only because of her overwhelmingly positive qualities as a spouse.

If I were to imagine being interrogated and tortured, I would envision being strapped to a chair and forced to watch that paranoid android video... (((shudder)))

Kellie said...

I hope you get feeling better Mike. I have no AI comments to add as I'm one of the few that haven't been sucked in....

Jan said...

I am such a loser......Phil was gone(winging his way to Asia) and so I watched Idol, Dancing...and Boston Legal...in a straight run. That's a LOT of TV for one night, but I'll admit to it. If you have a few extra minutes you might watch Boston...It was VERY thought provoking and timely, as it can be from time to time...Well written and funny....very funny. Also terribly sad. I like shows that make me think. I'm now down at Tara's...grounded to the couch with a pulled back...I even had to take a ride in a wheelchair at the airport this morning...very humbling.

Kera said...
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Jill said...

my affection lies with pablo honey & the bends. after that they did head downhill... those early albums are so good though. work with me mike, work with me.