Apr 19, 2008

April 19.

Mike was funny today.

We were listening to his iPod on shuffle this morning while lounging around the apartment doing not much of anything - which was lovely, by the way. When the Beatle's All You Need is Love came up, I asked Mike if he agreed that that's really all we need. After a very short pause, Mike's response was, "No- & dirt bikes." So there we have it. Mike is a} easy to please & b} obviously a 12 year old at heart.

Later, as we were heading out the door to meet some friends for lunch {I was wearing a sundress & open-toed sandals}, Mike's reaction was, "Whoa, sweetheart, you need some sun on those legs! You look like me!" It's time for a tropical vacation.
At lunch with our friends Elly & Scott - & their baby Drew.

In front of the anatomically correct statue at Columbus Circle {there is an equally shapely woman to match}. I made him pose.

More tulips in our front yard. 75 degrees today. Loved it.


Jan said...

Funny! I think Mike has his priorities straight...no doubt. Very handsome picture of him by the way....

Elizabeth said...


Scott and Elly said...

So fun to see you guys! I'll send you our pics...we got some good ones! Love the statue:)