Apr 18, 2008

boondoggle recap

Client A was 25 minutes late.
Client B was totally uniformed about core issues directly related to her job responsibilities.
Client C actually dozed off at one point, mouth agape and head bobbing.

My banker colleague droned on for an hour about a rather straightforward topic that could have easily been addressed by sending a simple email.

Meanwhile, I pretended to set up a web demo on my laptop for a later portion of the meeting (the part where I hoped to wring some revenue out of the ordeal), but in reality I was responding to emails via remote access. Oh, and making notes about the absurdity of the situation so my blog post would be accurate.

Boondoggle indeed. Whatever, I'm home at 4 PM on a Friday.


Kellie said...

What a waste of a day - gotta love Corporate America.

Lindsey said...

Hmm...some of this sounds like my relief society board meeting...I worked for a charity before having my daughter and I couldn't believe some of the pointless meetings they paid for when they could have used it to help people! but yea, probably not the main concern with corporate america.

Jan said...

Seriously? I would literally jump out of my skin if I had to endure that kind of a day. I suppose you can look at it positively though and realize that there is give and take in life, and getting home at 4pm is a substantial perk. Hopefully K got home at a decent hour as well.

dad said...

The 14th Article of Faith: We believe in meetings.

Alissa said...

Oh dear, that sounds so non-exciting! Your banker colleague must love listening to his/her voice all too much. I am guessing your colleague LOVES arranging and attending meetings. Yuk.