Apr 2, 2008


One of the places that I order my lunch from makes these incredible gummy bears. Recently, I've been ordering a bag & putting them outside my office {it's a good way to force people to talk to me- no one just takes the gummy bears & runs, as that would be rude}. I really love gummy bears. Except the green ones. The green ones are gross.
This may be a replacement {& more highly caloric} addiction for DC.


Kera said...


Tara Edwards said...

I like the red ones. The white ones are a waste, but I like the green ones! Is ones a word?

Elizabeth said...

Oh I like the green ones I don't like the orange..

Jan said...

Personally I love the green ones...but the white ones are boring

Kellie said...

I'm with you on the green ones. I think the red and white ones are the best.

Kellie said...

I'm with you on the green ones. I think the red and white ones are the best.

Julia said...

I like them all. Feel free to give me your discarded green ones.

Missy said...

White is the best! But, wait, did you say they make their own gummy bears?! I've never even heard of that - just the Haribo kind available at grocery markets.

If I pay you, would you send some of these homemade gummy bears out?

Sine family said...

All this talk of gummy bears is making me crave some. I like them all. PS if I worked with you I would talk to you even if you didn't have gummy bears.