Apr 2, 2008

If Haidyn can do it...

Patrick, Kera & Haidyn are joining me in the effort to quit the DC. I have to say... I needed this today, especially after a dinner out last night for work, & another lunch today. Lots of temptation. I'm sticking to club soda & cranberry juice, but it just isn't the same. Sigh. I just think to my self, "aspartame, poison, bone loss, weight gain" over & over again.


Kera said...

add depression, anxiety, infertility, heart disease, increase in appetite, insomnia . . .

Kellie said...

Ah, I'm so jealous about the restaurants - especially the Meditteranean one. I console myself by cooking new things and telling myself my waist-line wouldn't be what it has become post-NY if I was eating out.