Apr 6, 2008

Julia tagged me.

  1. Attached or single? Married for 3, with 2 years of dating Mike beforehand.
  2. Best friends? Mike, my sisters & Alissa since we were 12.
  3. Cake or pie? Pie all the way. Strawberry rhubarb. Or banana cream.
  4. Day of choice? Saturday afternoons. I have the freedom to do as I please & am able to look forward to one more day before I head back to the daily grind.
  5. Essential items? In my bag?? BlackBerry, hand sanitizer, lip gloss, iPod, camera, book, subway pass, credit card. All my bags are pretty big.
  6. Favorite colors? Green. Brown. Black.
  7. Gummy bears or worms? Worms. The red & yellow ones.
  8. Hometown? Spokane, Washington.
  9. Favorite indulgence? Cupcakes from Buttercup, or hot chocolate & a pretzel croissant from City Bakery. Or, in a totally different category- pedicures, facials & getting my hair done. What can I say, I'm a girl.
  10. January or July? July at Priest Lake. January in NYC. July here is miserable.
  11. Kids? I think they are great! My friends/siblings have great kids. Really.
  12. Life isn't complete without: People you care about & people that support you.
  13. Marriage date {if applicable}? April 30, 2005.
  14. Number of brothers & sisters? 3 sisters, 3 brothers.
  15. Oranges or Apples? Neither. I hate eating whole fruit {sorry mom}. I love orange juice though.
  16. Phobias? I hate, hate, hate being scared. I have a phobia of being scared. I hate scary movies. HATE them.
  17. Quote: "Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense." Ralph Waldo Emerson
  18. Reasons to Smile: Springtime in Manhattan. Can’t wait.
  19. Superman or Wonder Woman? Neither. Cartoons scared me when I was little. Hence the subsequent fear of scary movies.
  20. Tag 5 people: I choose 6- Mom, Joanna, Erin, Tara, Elizabeth, Kera.
  21. Unknown fact about me: I can't think of anything interesting enough to actually publish..
  22. Vegetable? Sweet corn.
  23. Worst habit? Diet Coke, but I quit. Two weeks plus, & I’m going strong.
  24. X-Ray or Ultrasound? I have little to no experience with either, but an MRI I had a few years ago was not a whole lot of fun.
  25. Favorite food? Crepes. Hamburgers. Lemon bars. Cheese quesadillas. Edamame. Sushi.
  26. Zodiac Sign? Scorpio. I really have no idea what this means, but my Grandma seems to think it's a big deal.


Kellie said...

Too funny, I thought my Mom was the only person who likes Strawberry Rhubarb pie. I'll have to give it another try next time she has one. And, I love your quote.

Kera said...

I love reading tags :) I had been seeing these on everyones blog but had no idea I had been tagged.