Apr 6, 2008


Brunch with friends, Conference {on the couch}, chocolate croissants, laundry, grocery shopping, sunshine, celebrating Evelyn's half-birthday party with her parents {Emma & John} & friends, then eating Thai & spending time with just the girls while the boys were off at Priesthood Session. It was a good day. Except for the part where I watched I am Legend with Mike & was so scared that I was covering my eyes & plugging my ears for most of the movie. I don't do so well with scary.

Evelyn did not disappoint with the eating of her first {half} birthday cake.


Lindsey said...

I think your bangs look really stylish and cute! I am a fan of them.

Unknown said...

Aw, you totally DO need to send me the pics you took . . .

Sine family said...

So cute. How did you make this collage?

suz said...

yes, how did you make the collage???

Unknown said...

I like the bangs a lot! And I actually loved I am Legend.. especially the Bob Marley soundtrack. (Did you like it, Mike?) I actually don't think it had bad language, but definitely a little frightening at times! I always just do the hand over my eyes if I think something scary is coming, but my fingers are gapped enough just in case I'm wrong. It seems to help.

Jill said...

evelyn is a cute little lump. i love her. your snaps are great.

we went for the hard bench on sunday and it wasn't so bad. :)

Tara Edwards said...

I'm still loving your bangs, and the collage is cute. I need to learn how to do that. Fun!

k. said...

The collages - I edit most of my pictures using Picasa software (you can download it for free). I love it. And collages are fun.