Apr 13, 2008


We had a party to celebrate Mike & Ruth's birthdays tonight. I had aspirations of lots of homemade baked goods, but a cake ordered from Buttercup & Funfetti cupcakes straight from the box sufficed. I did make punch, though. From scratch. It was delicious.

Our little apartment maxed out at 26 people. Our bedroom served as the coat room & stroller parking lot to maximize the efficient use of space. As you can see below, there were quite a few kids. Nothing was broken or permanently stained, & we managed to keep all toddlers from falling out of our 29th floor window. Emma brought the decorations, & the hats simply made the party. We all looked silly together, which made it way more fun. All in all, it was a great success. We love our friends on the Upper East Side. Someone in church today said that they were given this advice regarding Manhattan: "While you're here, this is is home." We feel like it is.
I spent a lot of time in the kitchen today. Our friends Ryan & Whitney came over for dinner before the party & I made one of my favorite recipes. Yum. It was fun to cook for once, & so nice to spend the day with good friends.


Jan said...

Abolutely amazing! I would have suggested you all go up on the roof for a little more space, but you might have had a child or two jump over the edge.....better safe than sorry,,,,,,,Isn't it fun having friends over? We've had a couple of parties here recently, and it was really just so much fun. It's something we had gotten out of the habit of doing for awhile. We cherish our friends...quite a few who we've known for almost 28 years now.....

Julia said...

And it was so fun! Thanks again.

Kellie said...

It looks like you all had a great time! I'm glad you're loving the UES!

Elizabeth said...

Wow that was a serious party they should have some formula for the amount of people in a certain amount of space the smaller the room should add some people and the larger a room take some away. What a fun party and the cake and cupcakes look sooo good. I have been watching my sugars so I think anything with frosting looks amazing.

dad said...

Who needs a larger apartment? 26 (or 27) fit in nicely, from the looks of it.

Lindsey said...

I am so impressed that a) you packed so many people into your apartment (I'm thinking about mine and that we probably have close to same space as you guys) and b) even though you were planning/throwing a party you managed to also cook for friends BEFORE the party.

The cake looks very yummy and aren't box cupcake mixes sometimes just the best?

Glad it was a success!

Jill said...

that was so nice of you to have everyone over. i think it turned out great & the cake was delicious! but not as good as the home made punch.

ruth had better email those pictures...