Apr 18, 2008


The pope is three blocks down from our apartment right now hosting an ecumenical revival. Catholics are swarming the Upper East Side.

I saw a group of twentysomething priests on the way home today. First thought in my head was "jeez man, SO sorry you'll never have sex." Perhaps a bit basal of me, but hey, that's what comes to mind with such an unnatural sort of abstinence.

Yay for the new and everlasting covenant of marriage!


Joanna said...

Can you get a picture of the pope-mobile?!

Julia said...

funny, I was kind of thinking the same thing last night. The don't really have a family, no wife, no kids, are they lonely? The pope's life must be so much different than our prophets-- what does he do in the evening when he isn't doing pope stuff (does he ever rest)? I always imagined President Hinckley surrounded by his family, laughing and playing games. I just can't imagine Benedict and with a group of Cardinals playing Scrabble on a Tuesday night.

dad said...

The whole "celibate" thing was a typo when some medeival monk was copying the Bible. The word was "celebrate."