May 22, 2008


Yesterday when we were on the Brooklyn Bridge overlooking our old neighborhood {the Financial District} & the rest of the city, I had one of those overwhelming I can't believe I live in Manhattan moments. It just seems like a place where other people live, not me. We just passed our three-year anniversary in the city, but sometimes it still comes as a shock that I really do live here. I love it most days. I hate it others. But, I do feel like it's our city, & for now, it's home.
PS- I'm not pregnant, despite what this picture looks like. I have an affection for flowy tops, & the jacket-buttoned-up-high doesn't really help. Oh well.


Jan said...

What neat pictures!....and what a handsome couple! The white bag is fabulous...what is is made of? Your top reminds me of a dress i had when I was a young married - It remains one of my all time favorites because it was so happy feeling.

Julia said...

I agree about this city. Although I rarely find myself hating it, I am often overwhelmed by its amazingness. I think this will forever be our home.

Today is the 125th anniversary of that amazing bridge. They are going to have really cool lighting on it all weekend.

Lindsey said...

I feel the same about London sometimes.I like flowy tops too. Your's look V cute!