May 28, 2008


I was not happy yesterday. I guess it was one of those days.
I was angry that I work in Greenwich, CT instead of New York City {which would be logical}. I was not happy that I spent 30 minutes on a train, after spending 30 minutes getting to the train. I've never complained about my commute {keep up the happy face!!} but right now I just want to complain. I really hate my commute some days. I hate that it sucks up 40 hours of my life a month, 40 hours that I could spend with Mike, relaxing at home, actually making a meal on a week night, exercising, reading a book, running errands, sleeping in, gardening {okay, maybe not}... The possibilities are endless. By the way- I don't want any advice. I just want to complain. I've dug my own hole on this one & have a lot of things to be grateful about my job, & even my commute, but I don't really want to think about those things right now. I want to complain. I'll go back to being happy... in a minute.
I also want to complain about the fact that "thunder showers" from The Weather Channel really means absolutely horrific downpour that also goes sideways so don't even think your umbrella will help. Yesterday afternoon was awful. I haven't seen a more black, more rainy afternoon in a very long time. Once again, I was "stuck" in a skirt & bare legs on my walk home. I was soaking wet by the time I made it to my apartment, with my feet going squish squish with every step. I need rain boots. Still. Oh- & did I mention it was 80 degrees yesterday? Gross.
I would also like to express a grievance against the MTA for allowing the 86th Street Station yesterday to smell like poop. Not garbage, not mold, not musty-warm-air, but warm poop. Like real human poop. It was the first time in a long time that I really just almost threw up from a NYC smell. Speaking of smells, I think I need to have a new feature on the blog- We'll call it Daily Smells. We can talk about the fried chicken I smell every day when I get off the train in Harlem, the burned pretzels on every street corner, the smell of warm garbage in the summer on garbage day, the fresh flowers outside of our building, incense from the street vendors on 86th street, cigarette smoke that I can't seem to avoid, fresh bread at Eli's, & the ridiculous amount of cologne the man on the train was wearing the other day- & that's not even the half of it. There are days when I absolutely love this city, & days when it smells like poop. Enough said.
Oh- I would also like to complain against myself. The Ab Ripper portion of Power90 is only 4 minutes long. By minute 1.5 last night, I thought I was going to die. Seriously?! Am I that out of shape? I mean, it's hard, but really?! Come on.
Today will be a better day, promise {the sun just came out}.


Elizabeth said...

I am sorry.. I don know what else to say.

Kera said...

i still can't make it through half of the ab ripper. my stomach is so weak. someday!!! and thanks for using my absolute favorite word several times throughout this post :)

k. said...

Wait, your favorite word? Is it grievance?

Tara Edwards said...

Did I tell you that I bought Power90 and it should be here any day? I'm a total follower.