The weather is still slightly chilly, not quite warm enough to go sans jacket. I was having trouble coordinating a jacket with my outfit this morning {& quite frankly didn't have the time to be thorough} so I threw on a denim jacket that I haven't worn in over a year & ran out the door. My question is- can I still wear a denim jacket? Is this still okay? Are they totally 80's, or socially acceptable? I was just wondering.
My other question - I still use the word "boob". Do I need to get over this? Is breast more appropriate? I sort of hate that word {breast}, but the word boob makes me feel like I'm 15. I was just wondering.
I say boob, but the worst was when I said I said it when I was giving a talk at chuch last year. I said something about me crying because I was such a boob. Kevin was mortified :)
Too funny - this post made me feel very middle aged because (1) I still wear my denim jacket and (2) I've never considered that it might be 1980's. It is a slippery slope to mom jeans....
Kel, I think they're ok. I just need to double check sometimes, because Banana Republic is not the most fashion forward place to shop, and sometimes I feel like I get stuck in my business casual rut & lose any sense of real style. Sigh. I have been wearing my leggings though. They make me feel like I'm going to the gym, but they are oh so comfy (I just have to wear long shirts to cover my big booty).
What shirts/skirts are you wearing with your leggings? I got some, but can't find a dress I like to go with it.
I think Jean Jackets are still ok. And the one pictured is really cute.
even if they aren't in right now, the designers will find a way to get them back again. just make sure you don't go out of the house looking anything like this . .. http://gofugyourself.typepad.com/go_fug_yourself/2008/04/fug-racer.html
Missy, I don't really even wear dresses - just longer shirts / sweaters. Tunic-type shirts that are lose (I can't wear head-to-toe TIGHT).
Kera- that picture kills me. Too funny!
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