The Feist concert on Tuesday night was pretty great, too. It was a really good concert, despite having lived through the first day of my very first UTI {does this mean I'm finally a real woman? I won't go into the details, except for the fact that I was peeing rice-sized blood clots. Eww.} Feist & her band are a group of ridiculously talented individuals & we were both equally impressed. She was quirky, fun, unique & diverse. Just the way I like it.
SPECTACULAR photo! Wow, what an amazing view! Btw, I didn't think you looked chubby.
Oh, Kathryn, I'm so sorry re: UTI. Luckily, I have not had one since getting pregnant. Fingers crossed. It is the worst.
What a magical anniversary....I loved every thing you did. Beautiful pictures by the way.......I would love to
go to a Feist concert one day....It won't happen in Spokane, but it might be reason enough to make a trip of it somewhere else.......
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