May 13, 2008


Okay, so maybe when we decided not to move {by the way- we're not moving - we gave up}, all the stress turned into creativity {or boredom, with something that was so stressful finally over with}, but I liked this one, too. A return address circle. I actually already ordered it, so if you hate it, zip it.


Jan said...

You are way too funny! Creativity rules!! Dare to be different!!!

Jill said...

*love* it

Elizabeth said...

I think its really cool. I own a house and don't have labels. Maybe I should copy you.. Not exactly but you know what I mean.

Meg said...

K- I LOVE IT! Where did you find this?

Sine family said...

What you aren't moving? Such good news. I like that you'll still be close.

Lindsey said...

Where do you create these labels? They are so cute. I like the ciricle. It's fun and different. And the skyscrapers and yellow taxi's are perfect for a NY address!

k. said...

They have the cutest stuff- lots of different labels & designs.

Kera said...

very cute. happy we are in the same state. babysitter reserved for friday night!

Julia said...

Awesome- Love it!

Unknown said...

Also love it. Sad that you won't be moving further south, though. I'll just have to find you an awesome apartment down here next time, I guess.