May 14, 2008

West Coast.

I'm in Los Angeles. It's perfectly warm & sunny. My flight was long, but comfortable. Hooray for business class & on flight entertainment. I watched 27 Dresses which was predictable, but maybe cute. I ate really good sushi at Katsuya last night, but didn't see anyone famous, & just about fell asleep once it hit 3am EDT & we were still at dinner. My friend Lisa & I decided that to in order to fit in at this restaurant, I needed to be wearing a tube top & glitter, & definitely more eye liner. Oh well. I felt uber East Coast preppy in my cardigan, ruffled polo, "dressy" shorts & flats. Oh well. The first impression that I had when I walked into my hotel was the amount of excess space. We don't get that in New York. LA always feels so spread out to me. Very different than the often times oppressive & continuous skyscrapers & narrow streets of Manhattan {at least in midtown}. My Belgian waffle with strawberries & whipped cream this morning was delicious {+ fresh squeezed OJ- I love nice hotel food}. I'm going to work from here today, & try to escape in the early afternoon for a trip to the beach. We'll see. I'd at least like to dip my toe in the water. Tonight- an event at a local club, tomorrow, interviews all day in our LA office, then I fly to San Francisco. Can't wait.
Oh- & I always love coming back to the West Coast. Everyone is just so nice. Really. It's noticeably different. Very refreshing.

I wish Mike were here.


Jan said...

I don't have time to blog...but I've wanted to for days. Your comment on"nice" prompts at least a quick response. I was at Fred Meyer this morning spending stupid amounts of $ on stuff I needed...most of it consumable. Anyway...The cashier and I ended up talking about favorite travel spots, and after numerous other smiling encounters with various friends I just have never met, I left only to be wished a "very happy day" by a beautiful, relaxed, smiling, 70 something woman with white hair. It confirmed my love for my community. It's a very happy place to live. I love it.

Jan said...

By the way - They've promised sun....this afternoon...lots of it....85ยบ plus by this weekend. We deserve it - we want it...we need it!

Kellie said...

I'm jealous - LA is sounded much more hip than Kansas City....have fun & travel safe.

Alissa said...

Hey silly girl... I was just reading the hotel are staying where Megan's dad is the general manager... go say hi to him!