May 19, 2008

San Francisco.

{Disclaimer: Not really sure what was going on with the bangs. Just pretend they look normal.}
It was so fun to be in San Francisco. It was so fun that we only took like 4 pictures. Oops. Anyway. The weather was great, & it was a nice, relaxing weekend. Haidyn loved shopping for 2 days straight with Kera & me while stuck in her stroller {great sport}, but she was especially happy when I taught her how to put on lip gloss while we were at Nordstrom {she learned how to go smack smack with her lips- so cute} & to quack like a duck while singing Little Ducky Duddle. Kera & I made up an extra 12 verses to The Wheels on the Bus to keep her happy later in the day. It's her favorite song apparently, & I'm sure she appreciated our creativity- although I think we thought they were a lot more funny than she did. It was fun to see Patrick at school {he was making a denture- cool!}, to eat yummy food {note to self: 3 appetizers between 3 people at the Cheesecake Factory results in an inability to eat dinner, & maybe even in a headache so bad that it was almost a migraine}, to listen to Haidyn sing along to Feist, & to talk about all sorts of girlie things with Kera. Oh- & Patrick & Kera easily convinced me that it's time for me to do Power90. Time to start getting serious about exercising. Anyway- I'm glad I could sneak in a visit before Patrick graduates in a few weeks. I love San Francisco. I'd like to live there. Oh- & if I lived there, I'd eat at Mama's each & every day.

For now- It's Monday, & my 6:30am alarm {3:30am PDT} did not make me happy. Sigh.


Kera said...

i am laughing out loud. i can't believe how much she loved that song. i only started singing it to her last week:)

thanks for helping me find dresses and shopping and for everything you did for us. wow. your such an awesome and FUN sister.

Lindsey said...

Your weekend sounds so fun. I would love to live in SF someday too...

Jill said...

you look so pretty & what a cute little gal

Sine family said...

Has anyone ever told you she looks like you. I think i just had a vision of what your children will look like.