May 21, 2008


  • I just don't really feel like I have anything to blog about. I'm in a drought. I don't have baby pictures to post, I haven't gone on any tropical vacations & there isn't a lot exciting going on. I go to work, I come home tired, I try to get a few things done, & I go to bed too late only to wake up tired the next morning. It is a vicious, vicious cycle some weeks & my life sure doesn't feel interesting.
  • Speaking of being tired, I fell off the wagon with the DC problem. I've had a few. I admit it. And today- I have a sugar-free Red Bull sitting on my desk {courtesy of the kitchen at work- they like to keep us alert & working hard} that is calling out to me @ 10:48am.
  • I am team Little David. To be honest, I didn't really love the Top 10 on American Idol this year though. They bored me. David Archuleta will be quite the teeny bopper pop star though, so kudos to him & his squeaky clean image. The other David is a not-as-great version of Chris Daughtry, so I'm thinking he'll lose. Oh- & when I was talking to my Dad on our morning call this morning {every day at 9:25am EDT, 6:25am PDT} he mentioned that winning American Idol has the potential to really mess up his life. Let's hope he stays grounded & pure, a la Carrie Underwood {love her, despite her horrendous extensions}.
  • We finally bought our camera {Canon Rebel} last weekend. I'm so, so, so very excited. Can someone please come & teach me how to use it? I'm taking a photography class with Tara this summer. Can't wait. Everyone in my family seems to have an innate ability to take ridiculously good pictures. I have some catching up to do.
  • I'm getting daily emails from people in the Middle East who would really love it if I would give them my bank account information so that I can "store" ten million dollars for them as a "favor", & as a gesture of their appreciation, they'll give me a 10% cut. Whatever list I got on, I want off.
  • A {scary looking} man on the street in Harlem last night was kind enough to tell me what great legs I have. If I were a warm, bubbly west-coaster I would have said, "Thank you, how kind of you, I do a lot of lunges, & let me tell you about this new workout I'm doing...", but at the end of the day, I live in Manhattan & it's not smart to respond to everything that people say to you, or even to acknowledge that they spoke to you. Just defending my stance that oftentimes, it's okay to move about in a bubble.


Unknown said...

Since your feelings seem to mirror mine, a point by point response:
-Did you see my blog today? Straight pictures of my kid with no attempt at a unifying theme or real posst. Shameful.
-Yesterday, I took a nap on the floor while Evelyn played beside me. I hear you on tired.
-Not loving AI either.
-If you learn how to use yours, can you teach me how to use mine, when I get one?
-Why wouldn't you want to do that? Sounds like a great deal! (I am on that same list.)
-Yesterday, I got a similar comment about my hair and my rainboots. Which I also met with absolutely no response. But, from someone non-creepy, you do have nice legs :)

And in sum, I blame any slumps on the weather. Yesterday was miserable, and today is getting worse by the minute, after such a promising start.

Heidi said...

it is funny you feel you don't have anything to blog about because I always find your blog one of the most interesting!

suz said...

Im laughing out loud at your "slump" post and find that I always enjoy what you blog about, no matter the subject {or non subject} matter.

Sine family said...

I stopped at the fruit stand the other day to buy a cantaloupe and when I asked the guy which cantaloupe was a good one he said, "you are a good cantaloupe" as he held it in front of my breasts. Yeah I could have hut him. Instead I couldn't think of anything to say but, "yeah that is really inappropriate!!" CREEPY!!!