May 30, 2008


45 minutes to go about 30 blocks. Not fun.
Not happy {not angry with me, angry with traffic... I hope}.

Still not happy.


Yankee Stadium & *new* Yankee Stadium.

Moving & feeling better. GW Bridge.


Joanna said...

Wait. You guys don't HAVE a car! Do you rent one? Get one of those little hot-car things? You're quite the classy couple. I wish I had a gala to dress up for. I did wear a skirt today because we brought the Brigham Young statue back to the Capitol. Yeeeeeah. BIG news in Utah. Not. Oh well. You have a glamorous life.

Jan said...

Funny take on your afternoon drive......Boy do you guys look awesome!

Kera said...

i went to pick up kathryn a couple of weeks ago, and i got stuck in traffic downtown. 45 minutes to go TWO BLOCKS!!! green, yellow, red, green, yellow, red, green, yellow, red... and i wouldn't move. if i had a bigger yard, i'd buy a horse for all my in-town travel.

Tara Edwards said...

I think it should be very difficult to get a drivers license, and then there should be special lanes just for people with fast cars and good driving skills. It would probably even help the enviornment. Someone should look into it.

Lula. said...

I think Ben has the shirt Mike is wearing in those pictures. If not that shirt, one very similar (I know Mike is extremely picky about his shirt choice).