Jun 2, 2008

5 Things.

Kera tagged me. I decided to make give her assigned topic of 5 Random Things About Me a sub-topic: The Naked Truth {aka here's a few of my glaring imperfections}.
  • I have little stretch marks on my hips, & no babies to show for {or excuse} them. I don't think I'll be one of those lucky women who survives pregnancy without getting them.
  • I'm getting spider veins on the top of my legs. Common causes? Birth control, pregnancy {n/a} & getting older.
  • Speaking of getting older, I found my first grey {white} hair when I was a senior in college. Now- on any given day, I can pull out a few if I spend a few seconds looking. I've looked very, very closely on Mike's head. He doesn't have any hairs that look anything other than brown.
  • My grossest habit is picking at my face. I'm better now than I used to be, but I'm still guilty. My skin has never been lovely, & has only recently been improving ever so slightly. On Saturday, the kind woman at Bloomingdales looked at my skin with this super-duper magnifying camera & told me that I had great skin. I just about floated through the roof.
  • I've always felt chubby, except maybe when I got married & I felt perfectly healthy & in shape. My weight fluctuates in this 10-lb. spectrum & it drives me crazy. I trained for a half marathon & basically didn't lose a pound. My only recent weight-loss has come from extreme stress, which obviously isn't an ideal way to do it. Sigh.
  • {#6- a bonus} I woke up totally late this morning, & had to get to work for a 9am meeting. The end result? I am wearing the exact same outfit I wore to church yesterday, down to the earrings. If anyone sees me, don't judge. Oh- & I didn't take a shower, either. Mondays.

I tag Alissa {WA}, Bret {UT}, Missy {CA} & Emma {NY}. It's hard to choose who to tag, so I chose a friends in different states; sub-topics not required.


Bret said...

We are soul mates. I have stretch marks under my hip bones. I've been kind of self-conscious about them. I've even tried stretch mark cream, however, nothing works.

Tara Edwards said...

Ew! I think I'll stick to things about my kids. I have too many Naked Truth things I could blog about.

Missy said...

I would probably do that more often (the bonus one) if I had to get dressed up daily.

Unknown said...

I'm on it. And for what it's worth, I have stretch marks on my hips that I got my senior year in high school, but I didn't get a single stretch mark during pregnancy, so you could still be one of the lucky ones.