Jun 28, 2008

Must have (bandaids).

Bought these really cute sandals the other day. Wore them on an all-day shopping trip today.

Came home with bleeding feet tonight. Ouch.
Bandaids are a must-have in New York. I typically keep them in my purse, just in case, but gave them away the other day & didn't replenish. Bad timing.


Kera said...

i would like to find a "dressier" yet casual flip flop... mine are a bit blah. well. i guess we need money first. but then, i would like to find a dressier yet casual flip flop :)

Lindsey said...

I really like those. It's the worst when you're feet are in pain and you don't have a band-aid or other shoes.

Jennifer said...

I have those in pink. They hurt my feet too. They feel heavy.

PJ and Julie said...

yep, have the same pair. super cute but no support at all. I rarely leave comments, but still regularly stalk your blog...always entertaining!

Kellie said...

Love those! Sorry to hear about the feet...that doesn't happen to me anymore because walking to and from the car just doesn't build up enough friction with new shoes ;)

Lula. said...

I love those sandals so much. I would die to have them, but my soon to be SIL has them, can't go copying now.

However, sorry to hear that your feet were bleeding. Blisters are so much more painful than they appear.