Sometimes I get blogger depression.
The creativity feels zapped. The reason to write about my life feels squelched. I feel like nothing is worth writing about today - or if it is, I feel like I'm uninteresting & not creative, & maybe even misleading since I don't really talk about many of the hard things in life, or about the slew of my many imperfections (like how I'm so impatient with Mike when I'm cooking & he tries to help, so impatient that I think he probably doesn't want me cooking any more despite the sometimes-yummy end result - & that's a mild example). Or- I think that as I don't have cute babies, haven't gone on any fabulous vacations recently, don't really do anything especially interesting & lack uber-intelligent or profound opinions on anything of much significance (besides lipgloss), then I can't really justify sharing my thoughts with the www. Or- I think that maybe I'm just being arrogant in operating on the assumption that my life is interesting enough to write about on a frequent basis.
I think I'm having a pity party today. I really promise I'm not fishing for external reinforcement. I'm going to take a blogging break, get a pedicure this week, & hopefully feel better.
Kathryn. I had just spent the last 30 minutes REVIEWING your blog posts (ok, it's slow here at work today) because I love them so much, when this post popped up. You and I are in the same boat, chica... no pets, cute kids...jobs that pay the bills and days whereafter we sturggle to find ANYTHING of import to share. But back to my point... I love your writing. It's the fact that you can give life and colorful description to the "everyday mundane" that makes your writing so great - and something we (or at least I, your sister who is single and childless) can relate to. I know you weren't fishing for the validation, but... so there. You have it. Love you! :)
Your blog is fun. One of my faves even. But go get a pedicure. I might get one this week too.
Um.... I'm not agreeing at all with your description of your blog. I LOVE it, and I read it multiple times a day just to feel like there is something exciting going on in my life through your life. If you go on a strike, I'm going on a strike just to prove a point. We all have different things going on, and it's all good. I'm picking up my phone now to talk you out of this silly idea of your!
Whoa. I think should reconsider the hiatus. You (and the blog) are my only link to city life and single, childless life. Please don't stop. Love the blog.
Like everyone else, your blog is one of my favorites. But, I understand hiatus' too. Just needed sometimes.
for what it is worth your blog is one of my favorites and one of the only ones that I really look forward to new posts. It is okay to take a blog vaction, but don't be gone for too long!
You totally don't even know me and I love your blog! Definitely one of my favorites too. I love your posts on make-up ad beauty products; you have such great taste!
-Brianne (Jen's sister)
Im sorry that your feeling that way {about your life and your blog} however I feel like I live vicariously through your blog. I love that your living the life in NYC and I am often envious and I will admit that I check your blog to live vicariously several times a day. I guess the grass is always greener. When I look at my own blog I think it revolves too much around my kids and is quite boring for anyone to read as they are my kids I love to write about them but I am sure most people don't want to hear about them so much. Take a break {if you must} but know that I will miss your post so very much and as I am sure I will be unable to break the habit of checking your blog I will be waiting to read your witty posts again soon.
Take a break if you want. I know the feeling. But I'll miss you and be eagerly awaiting your return :)
Maybe you and I should discuss impatience with husbands during cooking (and cleaning up after, for me at least). I can definitely relate.
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