Jul 6, 2008

4th of July.

We started off with Chipotle & Xanadu Thursday night, then proceeded with a few days in New Canaan with family & friends. Shopping, a trip to the beach, miniature golf for the boys, a pancake breakfast with the New Canaan ward (complete with a pie eating contest), wandering around Greenwich, & a barbecue. A perfect 4th of July weekend, even with the rain. Oh- & we topped it off with a dinner & games tonight with 24 friends at our apartment (in our building's common room). So much fun, & so nice to have good friends. It has only taken us a few years.


Missy said...

Looks (and sounds) perfect Kathryn. I love this holiday so much. Your weekend sounds exactly what I love too.

And those are rhododenrons (sp?) right? They are my favorite...

Tara Edwards said...

Oh! It looks like so much fun! We missed you, but I'm glad you had a great 4th. It's my favorite holiday :)

suz said...

Love the pictures - looks like yo had a great time!

Kera said...

your food always looks sooooo tasty. i love the 4th of JULY!!!

Julia said...

A great American way to spend a great American holiday.

So sad I missed the party last night.

Lindsey said...

The barbequing on the deck looks so perfect to me. Is that your in-law's place? So green and peaceful and just east coast looking. Love it.

Lindsey said...

The barbequing on the deck looks so perfect to me. Is that your in-law's place? So green and peaceful and just east coast looking. Love it.

Unknown said...

The pictures of you and Mike holding hands are very sweet. The kind I would blow up and put in my house (if I were you) somewhere. And that burrito looks so good. Fun 4th! I'm sure a break is always nice!

Sine family said...

So sad we missed out on the weekend festivities but Sunday was so fun. Thanks for putting it together. Can't wait to do it again next month. PS I'll have to get copies of those cute pictures you took of Abbi.

k. said...

Yup Lindsey- it's the Whiting's backyard in New Canaan. I wish I had a yard. Period. :)