Jul 14, 2008


All (okay, most) of my friends are pregnant right now. I am surrounded by growing bellies! I have such beautiful friends. When Caitlin, Julia & I went to the beach the other weekend, we had a mini-maternity photo shoot. These are a few of my favorites.


Joanna said...

Cute! Ok, want to know the funniest thing? I just remembered that when I did my student teaching at East High for seminary, Dan was in my class. Seriously. I only made a note of it because his older sister, Kathryn, is a good friend of mine. Isn't that funny?!?! Man I'm old.

Joanna said...

Dan Creer, that is. Just in case you thought that was a totally random post. :)

Missy said...

For a second I thought I should be on here too, and then I realized that we don't live near each other. I love the bottom shot where it is all belly and the background blurred.

Caitlin said...

You are getting pretty handy with that camera. I love the pictures you took my dear! Thanks a million. I love them!

p.s. I think my belly got a lot bigger in the last week because I swear it no longer looks like those pictures!

Kera said...

gads, that girls got some pretty teeth. AND PS: I sure didn't look that good when i got knocked up :)

Jan said...

I wish I had pictures of myself when I was pregnant with my seven kiddies. As I recall I only have a few, taken just in the last weeks before Tara was born. It makes me more than a little sad. You are just so clever with your new camera, Kathryn. Your friends are lucky to have you chronicling their miraculous blossomings!

Julia said...

You were so cute to take these pictures. They are pretty much the only prego pictures I have of myself.

But I kind of look like I am doing an evil laugh-- like I have a plot up my sleeve to take over the world...

Alissa said...

Beautiful Girls!!! You should be a photographer, Kathryn......soooo precious!