Jul 30, 2008


Last night I hosted a cocktail reception for about 70 people (some with my firm, the rest being invited guests). The venue was amazing - a roof deck of a private club I'd never be able to get into in Soho - & the weather was perfect. I spent about 3 1/2 hours schmoozing with people. Lots & lots of the same conversations on repeat... describing my role at the firm, what we do, details about our investing strategy, etc. I enjoy these kinds of events (I guess I'm paid to enjoy them), but they are exhausting. By the time I got home I was completely spent & totally dehydrated, thanks to the extreme humidity last night & my apparent ignorance in the presence of water at the bar. My feet ached & my throat was hoarse from talking for so long.
I collapsed into bed.
And then the event repeated itself in my dreams. In its entirety. For the entire 6 hours of sleep I managed to squeeze in. Every conversation was replicated. In intricate detail.
I woke up really, really tired.


Tara Edwards said...

My standby is Cranberry Juice with 7-up on ice. It looks pretty and it makes me avoid bladder infections all at the same time!

k. said...

My first drink is always a virgin mohito - followed up by a diet coke w. lime (I always get made fun of) or water.

OR- cranberry juice with diet coke. OR- club soda w. cranberry juice (pretty, yes).

Julia said...

You definitely need a day off.

Interesting drink mixes. I generally just go for the most exotic bottled water.