Jul 11, 2008


I really hate bathroom stalls- the lack of privacy, how open they are. I especially hate it when someone is next to me & I can see their feet. This is why I typically choose the stall next to the wall, so that I eliminate one potential side of offense. Anyway.
I was in the restroom yesterday & my favorite stall was occupied. Begrudgingly, I chose one in the middle. Someone came & entered the stall next to me. She closed the stall door, & sat down. I saw her feet. Lo & behold, the cutest shoes ever! It took every ounce of willpower to not say, Oh my gosh, where did you get your shoes?! Because I wanted them. Badly. I really, really, really wanted to ask her.
I didn't do it. Because that would be super weird, right? I really hate bathroom conversations, especially when busy, so I didn't say a word. I washed my hands three times, hoping I'd hear a flush & she would exit. But there was no such luck.
Hours & hours of google have since produced zero results in the quest for the perfect dream shoes. Kidding about the hours part, but I seriously contemplated it.
PS- Never, ever search on google images for "bathroom stall". Bad idea, Kathryn. Bad idea.


Afton said...

So what did they look like? Give us your best description, now I'm going to check out people's feet in stalls!

Missy said...

Oh my gosh, what did they look like?

Kellie said...

You crack me up. Can't wait to see you!

Ryan said...

ah, c'mon! you know we're all googling bathroom stalls now. I wish I could get those images out of my head.

Jan said...

Did you not have your phone with you? Could you have coughed loudly and taken a little pic at the same time? It would have made a terrific pic to go with your dialogue. Never, ever go without....

dad said...

I think I have a solution to your shoes dilemma. I believe that was Larry Craig in the stall next to you. Give him a call to get the scoop on the shoes.

Tara Edwards said...

I think I would have "hurried up" or "stopped in my tracks" so that I could get out of the stall, casually stand next to the shoe lady while she washes her hands (hopefully) and then ask about her cute shoes. Then, after she leaves, go back in the stall to, um, finish. There. You would have found out what kind of shoes they were, and everyone would have been happy. Eventually.

k. said...

They were darling. I can't really explain them, except to say that they were black, with a "scalloped" edge, with a ever so slight wedge heel & a peep toe. Perfectly dressy, but would be great with jeans, too. Sigh.