Jul 14, 2008

We went on a road trip.

We went on a road trip, just the two of us. We left from Connecticut Saturday morning (with the benefit of borrowing a car vs. renting our own), drove to Niagara Falls (7 1/2 hours), then made an overnight stop in Palmyra for the Hill Cumorah pageant. Rain was cause for an earlier-than-anticipated trip home on Sunday, but that was okay. The time outside of the city was perfect, even if it meant that we ate way too much fast food & far too many fruit snacks.
Mike said so many funny things over the weekend. I kept thinking, I've got to remember this, & then of course... I forgot. Oh well. The point is- I had fun hanging out & laughing with my husband all weekend, even if it meant a lot of time on the road. We're determined to travel more this year, even if it's just weekend trips. Maine, Vermont & Washington DC are all on our list.


Merritt Parkway out of New Canaan. I think it's one of the prettiest stretches of road, anywhere.

Mike drove most of the way up. I drove most of the way down.

I-90, a direct route to Spokane. I told Mike that maybe we should just keep driving.

Getting read for our Maid of the Mist trip.

We got soaked. Next time: swimsuits only.

It was quite windy. The bangs were not happy.

The pageant. 10-passenger vans & pack n' plays were everywhere. Only at an LDS event...



The production.

Sunday morning = pouring rain. We looked at the (small) temple from the car.

The Stake Center, which I thought was beautiful.

The Sacred Grove, which was very wet & muddy, but peaceful & beautiful (we spent a short amount of time there, under the relative safety of our umbrellas).


Jill said...

what a riot, i love the pictures at niagra falls. we have been wanting to take that trip too. i love road trips. dc this fall?

Lula. said...

What a fun trip! And you are getting really good with your camera.

Joanna said...

Cute, cute pictures! And I love that you are married to someone who you can just laugh and have fun with. That makes me happy.

Unknown said...

Sounds perfect! And I really like that pink shirt. Will you share your source? (I'm on the search...)

k. said...

Kelli, it's from GAP, but from late spring... they have them on sale online, but only in like XXL. I wanted to buy another one in white. Bummer.

Caitlin said...

I think by far my fvaorite pic is of you and mike in your blue rain coats for maid of the mist. Classic. I'm going through Kathryn withdrawals! Good thing I'll see you this week!

SO glad you two had fun!

Kellie said...

Looks like fun. So glad you guys made the trip up - it is nice to escape the city every once in a while.

Tara Edwards said...

How fun! love your pictures, and it sounds like something you should do every weekend!

Scott and Elly said...

What a fun trip! Looks like you had a great time! We did that trip 2 years ago and loved it! I was pleasantly surprised by the Hill Cumorah pageant after seeing the Manti one years earlier!

Missy said...

Don't you love when you get to actually spend time with your husband and you realize that you guys really do make the best pair together?! It's so much fun. I love your weekend, especially the falls photos and how happy you guys look on your roadtrip.

And maybe I'm hungry, but your picnic looks delicious!

Lindsey said...

quality time with the spouse is the best. your weekend looks so great!

Kera said...

my favorite is the picture of you in the blue trash bad. so cute and funny at the exact same time.

Heidi said...

I would love to visit Niagra and go to the pageant. Road trips are so great. Especially when it's just you two.