I realized yesterday that I don't really have any casual clothes. I was talking to my mom as I was walking home & telling her about a pair of shoes I had just seen that I really wanted to buy (but didn't- thanks to the price tag massively offending me @ $495) & she said asked What are they for? Well, my response was obviously work. Because that's what I do. Five days a week in my very best business casual (casual meaning I don't have to wear a suit), & then my Sunday Best on the 7th day. This being said, it's tough to buy casual clothes that I can only really wear on Saturdays. I just can't really justify it most of the time. But alas- I'm spending two weeks with nature this summer (Aspen Grove & Priest Lake) & need something that doesn't require dry cleaning. A quick trip to the GAP yesterday produced this cute & incredibly soft tshirt. And maybe a cardigan that was on sale, because that's what I wear to work- cardigans & such.

And then there's my endless quest for wellies. Bluefly has these lovely pink ladies on sale right now (found online by my assistant at work, who clearly knows me well!). I really wanted to the black because they go with everything (Mike's original choice for me as well). But when I told him the sale price, his response was, Ooh! But pink is so fun! Options, options.
Pink is fun, but I'm sort of addicted to black. How much on sale are they? They are something you would wear alot during the spring and fall right? So you might need pink and black? I'm sorry. I'm a bad sister.
ALways go with pink, that's my motto. My sister called me last year before venturing to Spain for study abroad and asked if she should get the khaki or pink messenger bag they give you (those were her two top picks). Without a second of thought I said pink. We talked about this for way too long and she went with the khaki, thanks for asking Tina.
Then my mom called recently and was switching out my phone for a new free one (thanks mom) and she said in a hurry, "Pink or black?" Pink, really, is there a question here? The way I see it, pink goes with everything and it's so much more interesting than black, go for it! I gaurantee you people will give you a many more complements on the pinks ones.
Ha ha ha. Craig always says the same thing. I get lucky because I can wear whatever I want to work. I think that may be the best part of my job. That way, when I buy what Craig deems as "play clothes," I can actually correct him because I can still wear them to work.
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