Jul 16, 2008

Lang Lang.

I forgot my camera. Bummer.
The New York Philharmonic played at Central Park again last night. The weather was absolutely perfect & the music (& admittedly the conversation that we had throughout) was great. The line up:
Tchaikovsky: Piano Concerto No. 1 (Lang Lang, Piano - Check out his bio. Amazng.)
Beethoven: Symphony No. 4
Sibelius: Finlandia
Julia & Eric came with us, in addition to Mike's old mission companion + wife from Boliva (who he just happened to run into at the temple last week- random). I told Julia that it's nights like these that make me really love the city, make me really happy to be a New Yorker & to call it home. Just the simple fact that 60,000+ people came out to the park to picnic, hang out with friends & listen to classical music was cool. Oh- & the fireworks at the end beat any 4th of July festivities I've ever seen.
PS- I want a grand piano in my apartment. I think maybe that means I need a new apartment. And maybe a really big bonus this year.


Jan said...

How fun! You DO have some especially unique opportunities living where you do.....I love Finlandia, and can't imagine hearing it in a more perfect place than Central Park...with friends. How is the sound in such a large setting?

Julia said...

It was so much fun. Too bad they only do two a year-- I can't wait for next year.

Missy said...

That really is amazing to just have the greatest musicians in the world playing in the park where anyone can go hear. Very cool.

Lindsey said...

What a perfect evening. I can just imagine it.

suz said...

How fun! A friend of mine went back to work and is in NYC training this week & I was chatting with her as she walked back to her hotel from the concert and I was wondering if you were there.