Aug 24, 2008


4 lbs, 8.9 oz.
Sixteen minutes after Elizabeth laid down on the delivery table on Thursday (sans epidural & sans husband, thanks to being so fast & furious), Noah William made his grand entrance into the world. Elizabeth did such a great job keeping him toasty warm for almost 34 weeks (after almost nine weeks on bed rest, in & out of the hospital). He'll make some good friends in the NICU for a bit, but we know that he'll be fine & we're so happy that he's being so well taken care of. He is already so loved by his family. It was so nice to pray for Baby Noah as a family when we were together at Priest Lake. Special. And - Mike & I get to meet him in less than two weeks when we're Utah for a wedding. Hooray. I can't wait to meet the twelfth addition to our growing group of neices & nephews.
Hudson is the sweetest older brother already.


Heidi said...

So tiny! So precious. So grateful for modern day medicine.

Kera said...

i love this picture.

Missy said...

Love the photo. Congrats to your sister. So happy she made it to 34 weeks! That is such good news.

Joanna said...
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Sine family said...

Glad to hear Elizabeth is doing well and that the baby held on for a couple more weeks.

Unknown said...

how exciting. and what a relief I'm sure. he looks perfect. (how is your sister doing?)

Caitlin said...

He is absolutely precious and I am glad Elizabeth was able to make it so far. i love the name especially!