Aug 3, 2008

Baby Sine.

The summer thunderstorms just haven't seemed to stop this year. It makes weekend plans at the park somewhat unpredictable. So, when the forecast for Saturday said one inch of rain + thunder + lighting, we decided to move Ruth's baby shower indoors, to my apartment. It was fun to spend the morning with good friends & yummy (& appropriately small-sized) food.


Lindsey said...

Cute pictures. Your friend's bump is adorable. I like her maternity dress and I like your shirt!

Jill said...

that WAS fun, re-do ;)

Kera said...

can we have my next shower in NY at your apartment.

Missy said...

Baby showers are fun...and those cookies look delish right now.

Sine family said...

Such cute pictures. I think you should quit your day job and be a photographer. I'll have to get those from you so I can post them on my blog. Thank you for being such a great host.

PS You'll have to tell Lindsey my dress isn't actually maternity. She can have her very own from GAP