Aug 27, 2008


  • Jeanne sent me this article about the church in New York. I thought it was interesting. I especially loved reading about the Church's involvement with the Harlem football team.
  • I have not had any caffeine since August 14th. My goal is to go until February 14th. Cheer me on (please). In case you are doubting me (with good reason), I'm really going to do it this time. Promise.
  • This article reminded me that I need to take the vitamins that sit in my desk drawer every day, untouched. At my last physical, my doctor said that my Vitamin D is already low. Not good. But I hate drinking milk. Where else can I get it?
  • The temperature in NYC will not exceed 85 degrees for the next week. And not above 80 for the next four days. Does this mean fall is coming? Where did summer go? I feel like I sort of missed it. I haven't even touched the Atlantic Ocean yet this year.
  • JCrew is giving everyone 15% off their online orders until September 5th, thanks to their website upgrade being somewhat of a disaster. Enter code FALL at checkout.
  • Maybe the best news this fall? Shake Shack is going inside. On the UWS. In October. Just a short cross-town bus ride away. Who's in?
  • My sister posted this quote on her blog & I love the simplicity & truth of it. Life does not have to be perfect to be wonderful. Amen.


emily said...

Hi Kathryn,

Welcome back! Yes, we were in Sandpoint the last week in July at Lake Pend Oreille. We go every year with Marty's family. I think Priest Lake is right up the river, isn't it? It's definitely a different world there. We LOVE it for vacation, but I'm pretty certain I could never live there :-) Absolutely a gorgeous, perfect vacation. And did you FREEZE in the lake this year? Whoa, shockingly cold!

k. said...

Wait, is Marty's family from the area? How fun. Pend Oreille is a COLD lake because it is so deep. Priest Lake wasn't quite so bad- actually pretty warm this year. But not like "bathwater" (how everyone was describing it). I couldn't live there either (unlses I picked up logging as a hobby), but I wouldn't mind spending summers there. :)

Jill said...

yessss, something else to lure you to the west side.

i would love to own everything in the jcrew fall line.

Lula. said...

--Good for you and your caffeine goals. You can do it!

--Vitamin D--- all is takes is 15 minutes out in the sun every few days without sunscreen. Just your arms or legs exposed.

--Fall is definitely on its way in Utah, so I am sure you are not mistaken. I feel the same way: I blinked and summer was over.

--I really wish I had some extra mulah to splurge at JCrew. Thanks for the tip.

--I really want to try Shake Shack.

Missy said...

I don't know, September in California is usually the hottest month so I'm not feeling Fall quite yet, though all the back to school "things" have me thinking it is close.

Thanks for the code to JCrew! I've been looking at a few things.