Aug 14, 2008


One of my major pet peeves...
This morning I watched a woman finish her cigarette, throw it on the ground, stomp on it & then walk away.
This is obviously nothing new - I see it all the time. My reaction never varies though - total disgust & outrage. It's just gross. Smoking is nasty enough on it's own, & I hate the fact that I don't have a choice but to inhale other people's fumes any time I go outside (another topic). But littering on top of that?! It makes me absolutely livid. I think that there should be a special Smoker Police Patrol, whose job it is to do nothing but catch, prosecute & punish smokers who for some reason feel totally justified in littering wherever they go.
Smokers who toss their cigarettes should be fined at least $1,000 & then forced to do community service where they do nothing but pick up cigarette butts off the street. With their teeth.


Missy said...

Gross. I'm totally with you on that and like your community service option for them:)

Julia said...


Kevin Jackson thinks that we should pick them up and throw them back at the person. but that would mean you have to touch them. Yuck.

Kera said...

totally agree about picking it up with their teeth :)

Sine family said...

I think that sounds like fair punishment.

Jan said...

Perfect - submit your idea to the litter control people...just kidding, but it would be fair and just.
It's interesting that in some European countries people would never dream of littering, and people who are in jail get to enjoy their days picking up garbage. They've got it right.

chelsea mckell said...

Kathryn, since you dont have to drive much, you dont get to experience something even more fun than watching smokers litter: having cigarettes flicked out of the window of the car in front on you, only to land directly on your windshield. Its a daily occurrence out here in Vernal. Make sure your Smoking Litter Control force include people to catch the driving offenders.