Aug 14, 2008


Mike went shopping for me last night.
How sweet is that? He went shopping. For girl-clothes. Mike + shopping doesn't exactly fit together like Kathryn + shopping.
He knows that I'm looking for a dress to wear to a friend's wedding in September. He likes the red one I bought (thanks for the tip, Jill), but knows that I'm not set on it. Even though I love it. And he knows that I just don't really have a lot of time right now to search on my own, which means that I get stressed out about it.
He came home last night with a bag of options for me to try on, then spent more time searching on my favorite website for more options (bookmarking them along the way). How sweet is that?
So now, thanks to my very own personal shopper, I have one dress sitting in my closet waiting for decision time, one on it's way in the mail, & one that he'll pick up tonight for me to try on at home. I like having options.
I wish I could keep all of them (I obviously can't & won't), because he has great taste. But really. It was one of the most thoughtful things he has done.


Unknown said...

Mike totally wins husband of the week. Although while I was in Nevada John did go into the women's swim department at Bloomingdale's to pick up suits I had on hold.

Tara Edwards said...

They are all so pretty! What a sweet thing for him to do. Couldn't you just assimilate them slowly into your wardrobe :)

Lindsey said...

Very cool husband. Can't wait to see what you choose.

Kellie said...

What a sweetheart. I think he deserves a prize.

Jill said...

very amazing i must say. i would love to see what brad came home with given that task. i love mike's picks!

Lizzie said...

That is so sweet. Can't wait to see what dress you choose!

Missy said...

The patriarch when we got married gave Devin the advice to every so often bring home a skirt or dress -- that he did it for his wife and it is something that always makes "us" happy. Cute Mike.

Sine family said...

Can Mike talk to Jared about the importance of shopping for your wife. Please.

Jan said...

Wow! I hope Mike reads this so he knows what a response it got from the female population.....He scored multiple points for his thoughtfulness, didn't he? What does he like as repayment.......?

Suzi said...

Ummm...cutest husband ever! Love that he went shopping for you!

Lula. said...

Dang. You are one lucky girl. I might be able to get Ben does a lot for me, but NEVER THAT! I can't wait to see what you choose!

Katherine said...

What a great husband!! Good job Mike!