Aug 30, 2008


We went to meet our new friend Jared Jr. in the hospital today. He's so sweet & perfect - 10 fingers, 10 toes, the cutest nose you've ever seen & his mom's beautiful dark hair.


Lindsey said...

i love your hair. perfect color. you look good with a baby. :)

what an adorable newborn. love his hiar too!

Kera said...

you are SOOOOO pretty. I love your hair.

and that little babe is to die for. he does have beautiful dark hair.

Sine family said...

You got some AMAZING pictures. Thank you for capturing Baby JJ in pictures. The ones I've taken just don't do him justice. I love the one of him yawning.

Suzi said...

Ok-that's MUST come take some pis of Will ASAP!!!

Elizabeth said...

Fun just think in a few more days you can come to the hospital to come see Noah.. His room is not as pretty though.

Jennifer said...

Love little babies. Love the color of your hair too!

Jill said...

so so sweet