Aug 14, 2008

Tomorrow's just a day away.

Only 24 hours & we'll go from taxi, to airplane, to another airplane, to a car, & to the cabin.
I vote for a re-creation of this photo.


Kellie said...

Have fun!! I'm so excited for you.

Unknown said...

I'm excited for you too! I want to permanently live on a lake one day. It wouldn't be so bad to be able to visit one several times a year though. The follow up pictures are always the best. I can't wait.

Jill said...

in your clothes!? have fun!

Missy said...

I'm really excited for you. I wish I could enjoy your Saturday breakfast as well. I'll totally be thinking of you eating it since we'll be on the same coast time:)

Sine family said...

I'm guessing you're the one in red. Is that right?

Jan said...

Let's do it! We can photoshop in Elizabeth.....right?

emily said...

That's one of the coolest pictures I've ever seen. Hope you have a great time!

k. said...

So, the story of this photo is good... We had our family pictures taken a few years ago at the lake... and with such a large family, it always tends to maybe be just a tiny bit stressful. So- after we were done, I got this great idea (yes, I'll take the credit, thank you very much) of jumping in the lake in our full clothes/makeup/etc. The photographer went out in the boat with my dad & snapped the picture. I think it's sort of pricess, & I really do want to do it again. :)

Debbie said...

Hi Kathryn, Nice to say hello by phone today. If you are blog checking at the cabin, please send me your email address.
That picture is the coolest! Have fun! Debbie

eyre blog said...

There is nothing like wearing a nice pair of wet jeans! You could at least put on some shorts this year but I hope you get to do this again. What a memorable idea.

dad said...

It's hard to find five letr wrds in bogl. I've done it so much that I can't seem to brak out of the four letr or less mind set. Even tho I try, my head just does not want to make a word that is bigr than four. Any one who has the skil can play with me. I'm a push over.