Aug 27, 2008

Tourist in my own town.

Despite having lived in New York for 3 years, 3 months & 13 days, there are a few (many) things that I haven't yet checked off my list. Among them, I've never:

The cooler weather is reminding me that fall is coming, which unfortunately reminds me that a brutal, bitter-cold winter is on it's way, which also means that I will avoid going outside at any time other than when absolutely necessary for months on end.

So my question is this: What is your favorite NYC tourist activity? I'm planning on taking advantage of the nice fall weekends that are hopefully to come, & I want to check some things off of my must do list.

PS- Target is selling really cute NYC salt & pepper shakers. If I were into novelty salt & pepper shakers, I would buy them. For now, they make cute clip art.


Kera said...

I REALLY want to come visit New York in the Fall. hmm. I wonder if we can make this happen :) Maybe me and Patrick could come in December and see NY at Christmas time... Oh goody. I'm going to talk to him :)
Lets purchase tickets to as many broadways as possible.

Jill said...

Ellis Island is so neat. It's emotional seeing all of those pictures and hearing the stories of people immigrating.

I also need to go to the Cloisters, I've been to the park but not the museum.

I highly recommend St. John the Divine's at Halloween, remind me and we'll discuss.

I recomment the Rockettes especially if you can get free tickets. Not sure I'd pay a bundle to see them.

my to-do list includes:
Staten Island Ferry, Mets Game, checking out the High Line, and eating at many more great restaurants.

Julia said...

I have been to Chelsea Market and The Cathedral of St. John the Divine, but have yet to do everything on your list too. I have never been to the top of the Empire State Building either. But I feel like I have done a lot of non-touristy stuff that makes up for it.

Fall is my absolute favorite time in New York. I love walking through Central Park and watching the leaves change. The Halloween Parade in the West Village is crazy, but fun. And you can go to Central Park the night before Thanksgiving and watch them blow up the balloons-- much better than the actual parade.

But Christmas is so much fun too. I would recommend going to Riverside Church to see the Philharmonic perform Handel's Messiah. It is not really a tourist thing, but is this city at it's best.

Tara Edwards said...

Um, you could buy the little salt and pepper shakers and not tell people that they are salt and pepper shkaers and then put them on your bookcase!

I've loved everything we have done with you, but it would be fun to take a carriage ride through Central Park! And if Kera is coming, I want to come!

Jennifer said...

We like to sit on benches in CP and people watch. Crazy people out there in NYC. Ry likes to see how many hotdogs he can eat before he feels sick.

Lizzie said...

Brunch at the Central Park Boathouse and then renting a row boat in central park. Love it.

Heidi said...

A carriage ride in Central Park at Christmas time was a fave of mine. However I was 15 when I did that so maybe it's just cheesy, I don't know. I think the rockettes Christmas show is kind of a must, very touristy but very unique to NYC. Oh and the department store window displays during christmas. And ice skating at rockefeller (sp?) or in Central park during Christmas time. Pretty much I think NYC is magical in December.

chelsea mckell said...

Chelsea market?! Ha! Didnt know that existed. Well obviously that would be #1 on MY to-do list. I would have to go there and get as many cheesy pictures as possible with me pointing at signs featuring my name.

KHH said...

Hi Kathyrn,My husband,Clark,and I lived on the West Side in the early 70's when we were first married.The City is still magical to us in every way.You have to do ALL of the above as soon as possible,because you never know when you will have to leave the City,alas...But the Cloisters would a high priority for us.They will make an impression on you that will never leave and will bring delight to your senses all winter long.It's courtyard is splendid in the Fall. Enjoy! Kathleen H.(Lizzie's mom) p.s.did Mike's parents live in NYC about that same time?

k. said...

Hi Lizzie's mom. :)

Mike's parents have been on the east coast since the late 70's I think... They both did graduate work at Michigan, then lived in Egypt for a few years, then Washington DC, and then New Jersey through the 80's until they moved to New Canaan, CT when my husband was 12 or 13- where they still live. They never did actually live IN Manhattan, although they both have spent many years working there (& my father-in-law still does).

I will definitely go to The Cloisters. I love fall in NYC. :)