Aug 5, 2008

We're open.

No more excuses from you (you know who you are) about not being able to log in, your lost password, not getting the email, etc.

We're re-thinking our private decision.

We'll see how long being open lasts.

Hopefully the crazies/stalkers/serial killers/pedophiles/ax murderers (you know who you are) stay away.


Heidi said...

Okay I just have to say if you are going to be posting pictures of cute little mushers I would maybe rethink this. My brother in law recently read a news article on how kidnappers are using blogs to gather information on children.

Jill said...

I really think you'll be just fine. Now old friends can catch up with you, and if you ever change your mind you can change it back without trouble.

(now I'm off to tell the world...)

Lindsey said...

I go back and forth. Sometimes rethink my decision to be private. The photo below is adorable! What cute girls.

Kera said...

ok, I want that article for one, and two, how do we know kidnappers are using blogs. (thats a serious question by the way) have they been interrogated and confessed this truth?

Anonymous said...

Your RSS Feed works now. I can keep in touch better. Wordy.

Unknown said...

I like being non-private again. I gave it some time too (to get rid of the weirdos) and now my family/friends can add me to google readers, etc. It's just easier on everyone.. and kindof brings the fun back into sharing posts. Let me know how you like it!

Unknown said...

(Plus.. if you do a couple of things like:
-don't add your blog to your profile page
-click "no" on adding your blog to Blogger's listings
-have word verification,
then basically only people who already know about your blog or people who know about your friends/family's blogs and click on your link can find you.) I really don't like to live in fear. (Thinking that people are always out to get me...)

Anonymous said...

I'm glad it's easy to get in now! For some unexplainable reason, I could only get proper access about half the time when it was private. You're an amazing blogger! Thanks for sharing.