Sep 2, 2008


My buddy, Winston Creer. Trying to catch some zz's on our couch.

I had a dream last night that the doctors told Elizabeth that baby Noah had to cook a little bit longer in a belly, & they nominated my belly. So, I swallowed (yes, swallowed) Noah & into my uterus he went. BUT THEN. He went vampire-baby on me (ala Breaking Dawn) & everywhere I went I could feel his heartbeat thumping through my body as he grew bigger & stronger. The scariest part of the dream was when I realized that I would have to actually deliver this now-10 lb. baby. Apparently when I swallowed him I had not realized this was part of the package. I was not happy about this, terrified actually, & subsequently woke up in almost-tears with a piercing (likely tension-induced) headache to match.

The night before- I had a dream that Mike & I decided to get jobs working at JCrew (the discount would be nice, right?). They put Mike in the "best" part of the store & put me somewhere in the back, saying that it was because he was far more attractive than me.

Strange dreams. I haven't slept very well the past few nights.


Tara Edwards said...

Oh my gosh! What have you been eating before you go to bed! Try something else!

Lula. said...

Dreams can be so bizarre. It makes you wonder if there are hidden meanings or feelings associated with them and what they are. Or, if sometimes, our imaginations just run wild.

Speaking of working at JCrew, I was browsing there yesterday, and a very amiable lady looked at me and said hello as if we were old friends. She then said, "would you be a dear and get my stuff that I have on hold out of the back?" I had a hard time breaking to her that I didn't work there, that I was merely browsing.

Julia said...

hilarious! I have been having funny/weird dreams lately (but I think that is pretty normal when you are 9 months pregnant). I had a dream the other night that my baby weighed 30 pounds-- I didn't dream that I gave birth to a 30lb baby, but he was sure heavy to carry around.

I have also dreamed that I ran a marathon in my current state, and last night I had a dream that I was skiing, pregnant, and I had forgotten how to ski. Awkward.

emily said...

Imagine my shock when in real life I DID have to deliver that 10 lb. baby! And, Breaking Dawn has been popping up in my subconscious as well...darn book!

Elizabeth said...

I always love my dreams after watching a weird movie or reading a fantasy book. I would have loved to cook Noah a little longer sounds great if you doit for me.

Jan said...

That picture of little Winston is just adorable.....I wish I were having any dreams at all these days....I'd accept weird in a flash, though I think your headache was justified...Isn't it funny what the mind can conjure up?