Sep 16, 2008


Oh, & I forgot to mention that last Saturday when I was on the subway carrying 37 pounds of groceries from Trader Joe's all by myself on what was probably the most humid day in history, a woman actually had the nerve to yell at me because I was sucking up all of the air in the subway. Yes. I happened to be standing underneath the air conditioning vent, breathing through my nose quite evenly I might add, & my bangs were blowing in the wind. There were 752 other people in the subway so it's not like I actually had a choice where to stand, but still. This mean woman actually thought that my lung capacity was just so magnificent that I was sitting there, under the vent, sucking up all the air to keep for my very own self. I must be the new Manhattan Superhero that is only fueled by massive amounts of gross subway tunnel air.


Jan said...

Seriously? Unbelievable.

Missy said...

Hahaha. This kinda made me laugh. Who says that to a person?

suz said...

Thats funny!

Jill said...

"Oh I'm so sorry, I forgot we were limited on air down here. Let me give you some of mine"

Then start mouth to mouth.

k. said...

Oh my gosh Jill, that's such a perfect idea. Except that I think this woman had diseases. Just guessing.

Tara Edwards said...

We have lots of air in Oregon if you would like some. If the people here had their way we would all leave, and let the fish and the trees have it all. Funny!