My other favorite part of the weekend, in very close competition with being spiritually uplifted - Brunch with Brad & Jill on Saturday morning in their new neighborhood (Morningside Heights - sigh). Kitchenette might just be my new favorite spot in New York & I'll make the trek without complaint anytime. It was good food (think cheese grits + french toast with a peach compote + peppermint hot chocolate with lots of whipped cream) & the desserts looked even better. I was sad to be far too full to even think about getting anything post-breakfast, but I had my eye on the apple pie, cupcakes, lemon bars & various pudding concoctions. They demand a separate trip, with a few days of fasting prior so that I can really take advantage. Soon. Afterwards - we braved the drizzle (have I mentioned that I need rain boots?) & walked around Columbia's campus (beautiful). We decided to make the trip back to the nearby Cathedral of St. John the Divine another time when things weren't so soggy. Long story short- good food, great neighborhood, & we're definitely going back. Strange that it's such a small city (in terms of total area, anyway) & we've never really spent time up there. We're always thinking of our "next move". Options, options...
Sunday. I woke up in a funk (one of those terrible, horrible, no good, very bad ones) & just couldn't shake it off. I slept. I read. I stared at the ceiling. I moped. I maybe cried. And then the missionaries came over for dinner which means that I actually made dinner. Chicken Roll Ups, & brownies topped with ice cream. Good comfort food for a drizzly & grey day + a mood to match. Mike did the shopping on Saturday & helped with the cooking. It was nice, & it made me feel better.
This week? Temperate. Mid 70's, partly cloudy. Not too busy, but a few things going on. I'm wearing a hot pink skirt today which makes me happy (with my grey shoes that I just love & a grey sweater so that I'm season-appropriate). I'm looking forward to Conference weekend in New Canaan, where hopefully we'll see some pretty fall colors & maybe even pick some apples. I'm okay with Grey's Anatomy since it turns out that Rose isn't really pregnant (I would have quit, really- out of pure frustration with the writer's inability to allow anyone on that show to be happy). I can't wait to watch The Office on Thursday because I am so happy about Pam + Jim. And of course - I'm hanging on tight while the stock market obliterates my 401(K), but trying to keep perspective.
Kathryn! I TIVO both the office and grey's every week, because I usually don't get home from school Thursdays until 10 pm. You are definitely invited over ANYTIME for a Grey's catch-up session! By the way, I totally get you when you talk about "waking up in a funk." Hope you are doing better today!
If I can't get all of my pals to move over here, I will be sad, but I will continue to lure you with good food. I loved Kitchenette too, it's going to be dangerous living so close.
I think we should come up with a weekend scavenger hunt. We must collect items such as:
fresh picked apple, a pumpkin, a yellow leaf, etc.
Comfort food- yum. Your upcoming weekend sounds great. And also loved Uchtdorf's talk, the whole night really.
I LOVE Kitchenette! I've only been to the one on W Broadway. Can't believe I didn't know about the one uptown, as I used to live on 112th (with a great view of St. John's Cathedral, so gorgeous.)
When you're in the neighborhood again you should try Crepes on Columbus, on Columbus and 109th. Good food, super cheap, and the owner, Steve, is always there and SO friendly (as you know, a rare find in the city.)
Rae, that's funny I've actually been there. I thought it was good, but I probably wouldn't make the trek all thw ay to the west side for it. Definitely for kitchenette though.
I'm sorry that Sunday was such a rough day, but I'm glad you had a nice Saturday. I love Morningside Heights, Kitchenette, and especially Columbia's campus-- one of my favorite places in the entire world. I will gladly take a trip up there anytime with you.
I loved the General RS broadcast too, and especially Elder Uchtdorf's talk. Girl's nights are wonderful.
Agreed, I wouldn't make the shlep back to 109th just for Crepes on Columbus (actually it takes a lot to get me out of my neighborhood) but it's a yummy place I have fond memories of. :)
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