Our friends moved from New York somewhat unexpectedly a week ago. They were great friends & we were sad to see them go. Little did we know that this would be a good thing.
They gave us their Saturday Night Live Tickets for this Saturday, for the season premiere.
I've always wanted to go, but have never gotten tickets via the lottery that they hold every August. This weekend - Michael Phelps is hosting & Barack Obama is making an appearance as well. Pretty cool, right? So cool that I'm worried that maybe it won't happen, that they'll turn us away at the door because we (I) don't look cool enough, or that they will have given away too many tickets so we can't make it in. I'm anxious. Enter email exchange between Mike & me this morning during our commutes:
Me: Obama will be on SNL this weekend. :)
Mike: AND Michael Phelps?
Me: Yup. Phelps is hosting, Obama is making an appearance in a skit.
Mike: Nice!
Me: I hope we get in. I'm scared that we won't for some reason.
Mike: All we can do is hope. It's what Obama would want, after all...
I would love to go to that show sometime! I Love Michael Phelps, fun!
I also have always wanted to get in to SNL and David Letterman but never managed it when I was flying. I hope you have a great time. I think I will Tivo it just in case we get to see you in the audience
Very cool. Can't wait to hear what it's like! Oh and I love your conversation with Mike. Funny.
Mike is hilarious, and I am very jealous!
This is awesome - very excited for you guys.
Thanks for setting me straight, seriously that's so weird I didn't realize you were on the UES. Anyway, glad you are liking it. We'll probably be here forever, too.
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